Place Order

Order Online With PayPal
PayPal enables any individual with an email address to securely and quickly send and receive payments online. When you're ready to check out, select "Pay with credit card" and you will be automatically transferred to the secure PayPal site. Completed orders will receive an e-mail confirmation to let you know that I have received your order. You will also get an approximate shipping date. When your order is complete, you'll be transferred back to Brad’s Jigs.

Mail In Your Order
If you choose not to use PayPal, please print an order form. Fill it out, and send a Check or Money Order for the total amount of the order. Personal checks will be held for clearing.

Order By Phone
I can also take orders over the phone. Our phone number is (360) 532-4963. The best time to reach me is between 3:00 – 8:00 pm Monday through Friday, 12:00 – 8:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.